
Join The Mellodi Team

Mellodi is a bold, young company and we have a strong preference for highly-motivated people. Send your resume and a cover letter as part of your application if you're interested. If you can add something to the team in a role not listed below or have an idea for how to improve Mellodi, just hit us with an email at team@mellodi.co explaining what you've got in mind. If you want to learn more about what we do, we've got it all laid out here.

Campus Representative

To be a Mellodi Campus Rep you must be an actively enrolled college student with a passion for music and the music industry. You will be responsible for:

  • Bringing artists from your school onto Mellodi
  • Forming relationships with key individuals and organizations on campus
  • Helping pick Campus Picks and Spotlight items for your school and more
  • Staying informed about news, upcoming releases, and what's hot on campus
  • Spreading awareness and use of Mellodi on your campus
  • Your own initiatives. If you have any cool ideas, want to try working with other schools or other elements of the site, just let us know!

Apply for this position